Monday, November 13, 2017


Allllrighty! Sorry for the pause in posts, but quite honestly there hasn't been that much to update on. The theory parts have been moving forwards as one might expect. This Wednesday I'll be doing a bunch of three exams and after that I have two weeks to acquaint myself with the last two subjects on my syllabus, before moving to the exams for the Finnish Aviation Authority, Trafi.

In all honesty, I'm nervous as heck. I have four weeks until I have to take my first bunch of Trafi exams, and there's about cubic ton of stuff to imprint into my head before that. I'm taking a gambit of sorts in the fact that I'm actually planning on attempting WAY more than normally would be undertaken in one go, but as my favorite badasses on this planet are known to say - Who Dares Wins.
What is way more than normally? Well that's a somewhat heavy seven subjects on one go. For me, that is a whopping amount, and might even be too many to be honest, but then again... High risk high reward.

Snow settled for a week or so. Winter is fast approaching.

One might say that if this is a racetrack that I'm currently running, this would be the backstretch. I can already see the homestretch, but then again, I know that the hardest part is ahead of me. This will be what really will see if I have what it takes.

As I said, I'm really nervous at the moment. I won't lie to you about this. I'm hitting those low notes every now and again. I'm questioning myself, if I'm really up to the challenge. But in the end, there isn't space or time for those thoughts if I want to graduate and I do. What ever your aspiring to become, I'm sure most of you will face those same moments of doubt. But you must not give up. You either suck it up and push on or you find something else. I recommend you finish what you start.

Now that that's said, a few other things.

I've noticed that as of this year the aspiring pilots here in Finland have finally woken up and started to apply for the training to get "the office job with the best view." Several people I know who've never spoken about such dreams have suddenly applied to flight schools. I know that most of them will not get in but still, it's awesome that they are at least going for their dreams.

Also on a personal note. I'll be going without a car for the rest of my school. We'll see how that works out.